How to use photo effects?

Uploading an Image:
You can upload image by clicking on upload button or drag and drop image here from your computer.

Applying Photo Effects:
Click on photo effects button. Select the effect you want to apply on image. You can use multiple photo effects to make image look different.

Cropping Image:
Click on crop tool, drag on image to select crop area. then click crop. you can reset the image using reset button.
Select crop ratio if you want image cropping in a fixed aspect ratio.

Resize Image:
Click on resize image tool and set the height and width as per your requirement and click on resize.

Rotate and Flip Image:
Click on Rotate and Flip tool and rotate and flip the image.

Adjust Image Brightness Contrast:
To adjust brightness contrast click on Brightness/Contrast tool, adjust it and then click apply to apply it.

Download Image:
To download image click on download button. you can select file size in kb for jpg download.