Drag 'n' drop image file here, or click to select image

How to resize photos?

Click on resize tool, then select photo size in cm or pixcels.
Drag and adjust image to fit the size. You can zoom the image by using mouse center wheel.
Once image is adjusted click on resize.

Uploading an Image:
You can upload image by clicking on upload button or drag and drop image here from your computer.

Resize Photos:
For photo resizing you can select standard size or enter pixel value and adjust your photo in the box having guide lines. To adjust photo use scroll (mouse center wheel) and Adjust photo in the frame by dragging it. Once the photo is adjusted click on RESIZE button. In case if you don't like settings you can reset the photo using reset button. Different coustom sizes are provided for resizing your image.
You can maintain aspect raio using Lock button. Resizing is altering the size of your image without cutting anything out. To resize an image is to essentially change the file size. Because sometimes, size does matter.
Resizing can help your photo fit into a certain space on a screen, such as in a blog post or social media post. Smaller images weigh less than larger ones, which can be important for making an uploading process faster or taking up less storage room on your devices.

Rotate and Flip Image:
Click on Rotate and Flip tool and rotate and flip the image. Image is rotated 90° clockwire or anticlock wise.

Adjust Image Brightness Contrast:
To adjust brightness contrast click on Brightness/Contrast tool, adjust it and then click apply to apply it.
Sets the change in brightness value of the image in the range of 0 to 100. Increasing the value will make all colors in the image lighter, reducing the value will make all colors in the image darker. If the value is 50, the brightness of the image will not be changed.

Sets the change in contrast value of the image in the range of 0 to 100. Increasing the value will make all colors in the image more intense, reducing the value will make all colors in the image more faint. If the value is 50, the contrast of the image will not be changed.

Download Image:
To download image click on download button. you can select file size in kb for jpg download.
How can I reduce image file size?

This simple app gives you three options for download, In JPG format download you can select the required file size in kb.

It performs different compressing on the image: compression reduces file size without having to resize the image, but image quality will suffer as you increase compression and start losing more image data.

The other solution is to resize your photo, decreasing the number of pixels it takes to store the image, which reduces it's file size proportionally. Reducing image size doesn't reduce image quality, although it may lose some very small details if they become too small.

Photos taken using mobile phones and cameras usually have over 6 million pixels and size is more than 10MB, while most cellphones, tablets, notebook or TV screens have only about 1.5 million pixels, which means you end up seeing a resized version of the image (you only use the full image if you print it). So if you resize your image, decreasing its width and height to a half, your image would have about the same number of pixels than the screens that will display it, so you wouldn't be losing any quality or detail at all, even looking at your image in full screen mode.

You can reduce its file size by resizing it until it's about 1900 by 1100 pixels, and getting a JPG image with just a little compression (about 95% quality). Doing so, you will get a versatile image with great quality, that you can send to anyone without taking too much time, or spending too much bandwidth on your mobile data plan.